We are so glad to have you visit us here at the Clarion Free Library’s Children’s Area! Located in the bottom of the library, we have a wide range of different books, games, and activities for your child(ren) at any time of the year. We also have various programs for the kids of the community to enjoy. Please scroll down to learn more about us and what we have to offer!

First things first…
Meet Steve! Steve is the library’s resident dragon. He enjoys listening to books, meeting new friends, and going on adventures. Typically attached to the Youth Services Librarian, Steve travels to different places to see the world while also reading about them in his favorite books. He likes to think of himself as the Children’s mascot and cheers for all kinds of literary achievements. He hopes to grow up to be a librarian himself one day!
Steve’s Favorite Books:
Children’s Programs at the Library!

Did you know that reading to your child is one of the most powerful ways to boost his or her brain power? The simple and enjoyable act of sharing books helps your child learn pre-reading skills such as understanding the sounds letters make, developing a bigger vocabulary, and building background knowledge – all important skills that help prepare your child for learning to read and entering Kindergarten.
Clarion Free Library’s 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program is a fun, exciting, and free way to start your child on the path to success! Any child ages birth to 5 years can participate. Just follow these steps:
1. Register: Sign up at the Clarion Free Library. You can pick up materials at the library, too!
2. Track Your Reading: Fill in/ write down each book you read with your child on your reading log.
3. Every Book Counts: Even if your child wants to hear the same book again and again, you can count it each time. You can also count the books your child hears in Storytime, in daycare/preschool, or with a friend or family member, as long as your child listens to the ENTIRE book.
4. 100 Book Milestones: Our reading logs break the 1000 Book countdown into 10 easy logs. Each time you fill up one of our logs and bring it in to show Ms. Rose, you will receive a special reward along with the next reading record for your next 100 books. Your bus on the wall will also get updated to the amount of books you are at!
5. 1000 Books: You did it! Come celebrate at the library, see your child’s name placed on the 1000 Book Plaque, and receive a free book.
6. Keep on Reading: Don’t stop at 1000! Keep on reading together; there’s more learning ahead!
1000 books may seem like a lot, but if you read just one book a night, you’ll meet your goal in less than 3 years. If you read three books a night, you could reach your goal in just 1 year!
NOTE: Once your child reaches Kindergarten, they are considered ineligible for the program HOWEVER, check out our Race to the Hive program for a more advanced version for them.
Reading Logs:
Reading Logs are downloadable and are able to be printed off or filled out online. Reading Logs can also be found in the Children’s Library.
Prizes for Each 100:
For each hundred, participants receive a brag tag and sticker showcasing how many books they have read so far. Other prizes are are followed:
- 100 to 500 books read: 1 small prize
- 600 to 900 books read: 2 small prizes
- 1000 books read: Child’s name on plaque, full-sized candy bar, and a book
Please note that small prizes are toys and knick-knacks only. No candy is given as a prize until 1000 books read.

Story Times (otherwise known as Story Hour, Story Hour with Steve, or Steve’s Story Hour) takes place every Wednesday at 10am with the exemption of the Wednesdays the library is closed. Geared towards children ages 5 and under, a typical Story Time involves 3 stories, at least 2 wiggle songs, and a craft/activity at the end. Children are to remain in the company of their parents at all times. Children are not expected to sit still and listen for the whole time. They are, after all, children. Story Time is a great place to practice skills needed for the school environment while still having control and options available, therefore, older children are encouraged to practice school readiness skills such as sitting still and raising their hands in the event of a question.
While a majority of Story Times are conducted by Ms. Rose, the Youth Services Librarian, there are cases where Story Times are conducted by special guests of the Clarion County Community. For more information on who will be conducting the Story Time for the week, please watch the Clarion Free Library’s Facebook.
Story Times are free and open to the public.

Race to the Hive is a school year-long program to encourage children between 6 and 19 to read. While registration is required, the program is free. At the end of the school year, participants that made it to the hive will get a pizza party. The following school year requires a renewed registration form. Registration ends at the end of September.
To register, please complete this form: Registration is closed until Fall 2025.
For the Race to the Hive Program, all books are counted whether it “bee” chapter or picture books. Participants can be slow or fast readers. It also does not matter how many books they read in general. All that matters is that the spend time reading.
The Color in a Bee Log was designed to allow participants to keep track of reading. Each bee is worth 15mins. Once the participants complete 15mins of reading they are then able to color in a bee. Once the sheet is completed, participants are to bring the sheet in to Youth Services Librarian, Ms. Rose, to have a bee with their name on it moved closer to the hive.
The program runs with the school year. Registration will open in the fall with school and close after a month. The program will run until May. During this time, participants will try to move their bee closer to the hive. Those that achieve this goal by May will win a big prize.
To reiterate: The time spend reading can be for school or pleasure. It can be time spent reading a graphic novel, magazine, chapter book, picture book, or newspaper (if everyone still knows what that is). All that matters is that the participants “BEE” a Reader!
For questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email Ms. Rose at rslike@clarionfreelibrary.org.

LEGO Build is the second Friday of every month at 3:30pm in the Children’s Area. With different themes each month, LEGO Build challenges children from Kindergarten to 6th Grade to build things using LEGOs in the given time. Models created will be displayed in the Children’s Area until the next event!
This event is free and open to the public.