Don’t feel like going to the library today but looking for something cool to read while you’re surfing the web? Check out these awesome webcomics!
By the Book by Peter Anckorn (PG-13)
Dreamkeeper by David Lillie (PG-13)
The Dreamland Chronicles by Scott Christian Sava (PG)
Girl Genius by Phil & Kaja Foglio (PG)
Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell
Twokinds by Tom Fischbach (PG-13)
Gaming/Geek Chic
The GaMERCaT by Samatha Whitten (G)
Nerd Rage by Andy Kluthe (PG-13)
rm-Rf/ by Jordan Gledhill and Brad Church (PG-13)
Wayrift (loosely based on Final Fantasy IV) (PG-13)
Weregeek by Alina Pete (G)
Cat versus Human by Yasmine Surovec
Cyanide and Happiness (PG-13 Warning: Dark Humor)
Loading Artist by Gregor Czaykowski (PG-13)
Moonbeard by James Squires (PG-13 Warning: Dark Humor)
Legostar Galactica (PG-13)
Super Hero
Epic Escape (when super heroes are affected by the recession) by John Cross
Evil Plan by Alexis Royce, Chelsea Capobianco, Megan Johnston
Everyday Heroes by Ed Gedoen
Grrl Power (PG-13)
The Hero Business by Bill Walko (PG-13)
Love and Capes by Thomas F. Zahler
Nightsmoke by Scott Drummond